Be a voice for the voiceless, law graduates told
The Hindu
Justice Bhatti urges law graduates to advocate for the voiceless, embrace innovation, and ensure justice for all.
Justice Sarasa Venkatnarayana Bhatti, Judge, Supreme Court of India, urged the law graduates to voice the grievances and the injustices of the voiceless in society.
He was delivering the graduation day address of JSS Law College in the city on Saturday. “Many of you will go on to represent corporations, governments, and influential individuals. While these roles are important, never forget the marginalised and the voiceless,” he added.
Justice Bhatti urged the fresh graduates to use their skills to advocate for those who cannot advocate for themselves and fight for justice, not just for the powerful but for the powerless as well.
Calling upon the graduates to embrace innovation, Justice Bhatti said that the present age was one of rapid technological advancement and the way law is practiced in the present times would be different in future and hence one should be open to new ideas and jurisprudential challenges, he added.
‘’Whether it is through legal technology, alternative dispute resolution or other emerging fields, make the legal system more efficient and accessible,” said Mr. Justice Bhatti.
He called upon the law graduates to protect the rights of all and said they were entrusted with the responsibility to uphold the Constitution, protect the rights of all, and ensure that justice was not just a distant ideal but a lived reality.
Justice G.M. Uma, Judge, High Court of Karnataka, Suttur Mutt seer Sri Shivaratri Deshikendra Swami, C. Basavaraju, Vice-Chancellor, Karnataka State Law University. C.G. Betsurmath, executive secretary, JSS Mahavidyapeetha, N. Vanishree, principal, K.S. Suresh, chief executive, and others were present.