Madurai City Police achieve higher rate of disposal of petitions, says Commissioner of Police
The Hindu
Most of Madurai City Police officers were disposing of petitions received during the weekly grievance redress meetings held on Wednesday within a week, said Commissioner of Police J. Loganathan.
Most of Madurai City Police officers were disposing of petitions received during the weekly grievance redress meetings held on Wednesday within a week, said Commissioner of Police J. Loganathan.
Addressing the media at the mega grievance redress meeting held at City Police Office, Mr. Loganathan said each petition received at the grievance redress meeting was registered.
“It is uploaded in a software which helps the officials monitor it closely,” he said. The petitioners were given an acknowledgement immediately. He said most of the cases were with regard to quarrels among family members and neighbours, money disputes and other civil disputes.
“If the complainant gets into a compromise with the opponent, they amicably settle the issue. When that does not happen, we go for registering an FIR for further investigation,” the Commissioner said.
With regard to issues that were civil in nature, the petitioners were asked to seek remedy through courts.
The officials also sought feedback on how they were treated by the police officials during inquiry on their petitions and whether they were satisfied with the outcome. Based on their feedback, they gave rating in a scale of 1 to 5. Those officials who got the lowest rating were asked to explain. “This practice has brought in a good change in the behaviour of the police towards the petitioners,” he added.
“Action cannot be taken within a week on only 2% to 3% petitions as the petitioners need to produce supporting documents. We also explain to them that the police cannot interfere in civil cases,” Mr. Loganathan said.