Goren Bridge: New bidding gadget
The Hindu
Neither vulnerable, East deals
Today’s deal is from a recent team competition in Europe. We have written many times about the great popularity of the Multi Two Diamond convention throughout the world except for North America. This is a two-diamond opening bid to show a weak-two-bid in either major. Advocates have been searching for the best use for two-heart and two-spade openings now that they are not needed for weak two-bids. One choice is shown in today’s deal, although it does not show in a favourable light.
North led a trump and the defence started with three rounds of trumps. They started cashing their aces and kings after that. West could choose when to take dummy’s queen of clubs, but that was his only trick. Down eight was a penalty of 2000 points!
The result at the other table made matters worse. East passed as dealer and North-South bid to six no trump, as you might expect. East did overcall hearts early in the auction and the play proved tricky after West led a heart. Declarer could have prevailed, but he took the losing diamond finesse early and then lost his way after that to finish down one.
That declarer was not surprised to lose on this deal, but the size of the loss was staggering! He asked his teammates to switch back to weak two-bids. They declined.