Devala residents demand construction of park to provide employment to locals
The Hindu
Devala residents demand construction of park to provide employment to locals
The Nadugani Merchants Welfare Association submitted a petition to the Nilgiris District Collector on Monday, urging the government to expedite construction of a planned park in Devala town.
The merchants, who said that they were representing the interests of local residents, said the Central Government had sanctioned ₹70 crore for the construction of a park in Ponnur near Devala town on land belonging to the Horticulture Department. However, they said that they had learned that the plans to construct the park had been shelved, which had led to local residents feeling disappointed.
They said local residents hoped that the construction of the park would lead to immediate livelihood opportunities for area residents, as well as continued opportunities from tourism. The petitioners stated that more than 5 lakh tourists passed through Devala town every month and that the park could open up opportunities for tourism and employment in the region.
The residents also claimed that due to a lack of livelihood opportunities, many youngsters in the region were having to seek employment elsewhere, arguing that more investment in the area could lead to more opportunities for them.
They also said the horticulture farm, being run by the State government since 1975, had previously provided employment to hundreds of families, but that over the years, employment at the facility had dwindled to a mere 25 employees.