Art of healing and hummingbirds
The Hindu
Artist Rasika Reddy’s series of hummingbird paintings began as a quest for joy and healing during the pandemic
It’s Time to Heal, reads the title of Kadari Art Gallery’s new exhibition in Hyderabad. We might be staring at the third wave of COVID-19 in India while hoping that things do not get gloomy in the coming weeks, but the sight of the 100-plus watercolour paintings of hummingbirds at the gallery does have a calming effect. Artist Rasika Reddy began working on the series in the early stages of the pandemic, to take her mind off the uncertainty and gloom all around.
“We were all at home figuring out what to do, beyond the regular activities of cooking and cleaning. A sense of helplessness set in as the pandemic raged on in New York,” recalls Rasika Reddy, the Hyderabad artist who now resides in the USA.