Provide work to all NREGA job cardholders, Collector tells officials
The Hindu
Collector P. Ranjit Basha ensures timely wages and work under MGNREGA, emphasizing early commencement due to high temperatures.
Collector P. Ranjit Basha, on Tuesday, asked the officials concerned to provide work under the Mahatma Gandhi National Rural Employment Guarantee Act (MGNREGA) to all the job cardholders in the district.
The Collector inspected the MGNREGA works at Allugundu village in Veldurthi mandal and asked the workers if they received their wages in time. He informed them that their wages would be released soon.
He asked the officials to ensure that the workers commence their work early, given the high summer temperatures.
Mr. Basha verified the records and enquired the number of persons who were provided work and the nature of work taken up in Allugunduvillage. He asked the officials if the data was being uploaded into the NREGA Mobile Monitoring System (NMSS) App or not, the wages paid to the workers, and whether they were given receipts for the wages paid.
The Collector asked the District Water Management Agency (DWMA) Project Director Venkataramaniah to achieve the targets as the financial year is coming to an end. He asked the Project Director to ensure that each and every job cardholder gets NREGA works during March, April and May months as there won’t be any agriculture works. Mr Ranjit Basha said earlier there used to be farm ponds in the district and asked the officials to take up farm pond digging works for storing water.
During his visit, the Collector joined the workers in digging work for some time.