Water level in Mullaperiyar dam stands at 115.15 feet on March 5, 2025
The Hindu
Water level in Mullaperiyar dam on Wednesday stood at 115.15 feet (the maximum permissible level is 142 ft.) with an inflow of 304 cusecs and a discharge of 400 cusecs.
Water level in Mullaperiyar dam on Wednesday stood at 115.15 feet (the maximum permissible level is 142 ft.) with an inflow of 304 cusecs and a discharge of 400 cusecs. The level in Vaigai dam was 60.60 ft. (the maximum level is 71 ft.) with an inflow of 164 cusecs and a discharge of 272 cusecs. Combined storage in Periyar credit was 3,042.18 mcft.

Founded in 2021 and headquartered in Bengaluru by Ganesh Shankar (Founder & CEO) and Emanuel Deepak (Co-founder & COO), FluxGen provides end-to-end water intelligence solutions, enabling real-time monitoring, predictive analytics, and regulatory compliance for industries. Its patent-pending products and flagship platform, AquaGen, empower companies to optimise water usage, prevent wastage, and mitigate water-related operational and supply-chain risks.