Leopardess and its cub trapped in T.Narsipur
The Hindu
A leopardess and its cub were trapped and captured in T.Narsipur taluk of Mysuru district in the early hours of Friday.
Both the leopards were trapped at Masuvinahalli village in Bannur hobli and the local people had complained of livestock kills some time ago. Consequent to the public complaint the Forest Department had placed a large cage with bait on January 28 in the village. Both the leopards were found trapped inside the cage in the early hours of Friday.
Basavaraju, Deputy Conservator of Forests, Mysuru Territorial Division, said both the leopards have been shifted to Chamundi Animal Rescue and Rehabilitation Centre at Koorgalli on the outskirts of Mysuru. While the mother is aged about 5 years, the cub which is also a female, is reckoned to be about 1 year old.
The authorities have so far captured 67 leopards in Mysuru district alone in the last 3 years and this was the 19 th leopard to be trapped since April this year.
The number of leopards being trapped and translocated in Mysuru since the last few months has led to a perception that the leopard population was on the rise. But statistics indicate that the numbers are almost similar and has captured public attention due to four human deaths reported from T.Narsipur.
There are also issues related to improper disposal of meat and poultry waste which tends to attract street dogs and in turn draw leopards from the surrounding areas, compounding the problem.
The district and surrounding regions are surrounded by vast tracts of protected areas including Bandipur, Nagarahole, Arabhitittu, Cauvery Wildlife Sanctuary, M.M.Hills Wildlife sanctuary all of which have a high leopard numbers.