West Bengal Education department notifies new State Education Policy
The Hindu
West Bengal government notifies SEP to retain 5+4+2+2 school structure; Expert Committee's recommendations accepted
The West Bengal Education department has notified the new State Education Policy (SEP) which retains the existing pattern of school education.
The Education department issued the notification on September 9 which mooted the continuation of the State's 5+4+2+2 school structure.
"Whereas, the State government has been considering the need of revamping its existing education system starting from pre-primary to higher education level in the state of West Bengal to ensure higher standard of education to all students, with particular focus on marginalised, disadvantaged and under-represented groups," the notice said.
"And whereas, the State government, for this purpose constituted an expert committee comprising of eminent educationists," the notification said.
The West Bengal government had set up the committee in April 2022 having distinguished academics — Gayatri Chakravorty Spivak, Sugata Bose, Suranjan Das — to guide the state about its response to the National Education Policy, which had been approved by the Union Cabinet on July 29, 2020, replacing the 34-year old National Policy on Education.
The committee submitted its findings to the West Bengal Education department earlier this year.
"The said committee, after due deliberation and in consultation with stakeholders... submitted its recommendations... the State government finalised the draft State Education Policy, 2023 based on the recommendations of the expert committee... the State Cabinet has approved the State Education Policy, 2023 in its meeting dated August 7...Therefore, in consideration of all the above, the State Education Policy, 2023 is hereby notified, as appended with this notification with immediate effect," the notice read.

Under the Ganitha Kalika Andolana (GKA) initiative, a maths learning movement supported by the Government of Karnataka, In 2024-25, the Gram Panchayat level Maths Contests were conducted across 28 districts in Karnataka. Around 5,95,517 children from 26,188 schools in 4,890 Gram Panchayats were assessed in about 30 days to address the gaps in numeracy levels of children studying in government schools.

Controversies surrounding BIFFes did not affect the festival’s spirit, as people beat the scorching heat to watch films from different parts of the world. As is the trend every year, senior citizens and college-goers attended the festival in the majority as BIFFes witnessed a slight increase in footfall this year, compared with the previous edition. During the closing ceremony of the 16th edition of BIFFes, organisers, led by Karnataka Chalanachitra Academy chairman Sadhu Kokila, gleefully mentioned the massive turnout on the final day.