Karnataka achieves energy efficiency target before deadline
The Hindu
The State policy had set a timeline of five years, 2022 - 2027, for this achievement
Karnataka has achieved Energy Conservation Energy Efficiency target of 744 million kWH units much before the deadline given by the State policy, which had set a timeline of five years, 2022 - 2027, for this achievement.
On March 10, speaking at the inauguration of the second stakeholder workshop on implementing the state ‘Energy Conservation and Energy Efficiency Policy 2022-27’, Karnataka Renewable Energy Development Limited (KREDL) Managing Director K.P. Rudrappaiah said, “More than 800 million units of energy conservation and efficiency have been achieved, exceeding the target of 744 million kWh units. The target has been achieved by setting sector-wise targets. KREDL, which is the nodal agency for the implementation of the energy conservation and energy efficiency policy, is confident of making further progress in consultation with all the relevant departments and leaders of the energy sector.”