‘Sleeping policemen’ cause nightmare to drivers
The Hindu
Vehicle users say the authorities concerned should step up patrolling of roads
With cattle occupying roads such as Chennai-Tiruvallur Road, phase II ofRajiv GandhiSalai, northern sector of Inner Ring Road nearPuzhal, driving during the day has become difficult, say drivers.
Accidents occur when heavy vehicles, including container trailers, attempt to avoid the cattle. “These roads have a considerable number of two-wheelers andcars andthese get involvedin accident. We don’t see any reaction to complaints from the authorities concerned,” said Jude Mathew,Tamil Nadu Independent Vehicle Owners’ Association.
“AtPuzhal, the Corporation does catch the cattle but they are freed after a couple of daysandthe cows are back on the road. Motorists can manage even if the cattle stay put, but they tend to dart across the road, scaring two-wheeler riders,” he said.