SCR gets ‘Green Co’ certifications
The Hindu
SCR’s four establishments and a railway station received ‘Green Co Certifications’ from the Confederation of Indian Industry (CII) during IGBC Green Crusaders, as part of World Green Building Week Celebrations at CII Sohrabji Green Business Centre at Hi-Tec City.
The Green Co Certification of Hyderabad station was received by DRM-Secunderabad Abhay Kumar Gupta and other Green Co Ratings by the respective establishment heads.
The awards were Hyderabad Railway Station - Green Co Platinum Rating, Carriage Repair Shop, Tirupati - Green Co Gold Rating, Diesel Loco Shed, Moulali - Green Co Gold Rating, Electric loco shed, Kazipet - Green Co Silver Rating and Diesel loco shed, Vijayawada - Green Co Silver Rating.
An official spokesman informed that Nampally station has been developed as a commuter-friendly one with facilities for the differently-abled and senior citizens, adequate green cover to protect and promote biodiversity. There is 100% LED lights coverage in the interior and exterior areas, initiative to reduce the heat island effect by covering 87% of roof area covered with SRI paints, solar panels, and other energy efficient measures.
With reusage of rainwater/recycled water, the station is saving approximately an amount of ₹7.8 lakh per year. The Green measures taken at the service buildings are in terms of energy conservation, material conservation, recycling, utilisation of renewable energy, Green House Gases (GHG) reduction, water conservation, solid and liquid waste management, and green cover, said a press release.