Reports outline more shortfalls in Saskatoon city budget
The fiscal situation at city hall will require attention again this week.
The fiscal situation at city hall will require attention again this week.
New reports say the city needs to adjust spending in the wake of several shortfalls for maintenance on roads, sidewalks, bridges and even the potential continued operation of a pilot project. One report says the city doesn't have enough money to maintain the existing level of road and sidewalk maintenance.
A report going to the Transportation Committee says the city currently maintains roads and sidewalks to service level “B,” which means they're kept in ‘good’ physical condition with minor deficiencies noted and maintenance required.
But the report says the city is facing a shortfall of $10-million this year to maintain that service level unless spending adjustments are made.
“Unfortunately, current construction pricing has led to an average increase of more than 30% in costs compared to 2021” the report reads. “Without these adjustments, the condition of the network will decline, the 1-in-20-year cycle for repairs and maintenance will continue to increase, and the level of service provided to users will steadily deteriorate”
The report says capital spending for roadway conditions has gone from $4.38-million in 2011 to $26.9-million in 2023, while spending for sidewalk maintenance has risen at an even faster rate from $30,000 in 2011 to $6.3-million in 2023.
The city also isn’t putting enough money aside to maintain infrastructure like bridges or overpasses.