Rainwater leakage in PRTC bus exposes pathetic condition of fleet in Puducherry
The Hindu
Leaking PRTC bus exposes poor condition of ageing fleet; passengers suffer wet journey; orders placed for 38 new buses; 15 buses to be refurbished. #PRTC #AgeingFleet #NewBuses #WetJourney #Puducherry
The recent incident of rainwater leaking through the roof and windows of a long-distance Government-owned Puducherry Road Transport Corporation (PRTC) bound to Puducherry from Mahe, an enclave of the Union Territory in Kerala has exposed the pathetic condition of the ageing fleet of the Corporation that has been struggling to win the trust of passengers.
Social media was abuzz with photographs and videos of passengers enduring a wet journey due to the leaking roof of the PRTC bus from Mahe. Two hours after the bus set off from Mahe to Puducherry on September 2 (Saturday), there was heavy rain and the bus started leaking because of cracks in the roof and the windows.
M. Ramachandran, a passenger who had booked ticket to Puducherry, said he had to spend the rest of his journey in rain-soaked clothes.
“The rainwater started leaking from the roof and the windows and several commuters preferred to sit near the driver’s cabin rather than take a seat. Though the passengers complained about the miserable conditions of the bus and brought it to the notice of the crew, no spare bus was made available. Passengers pay hefty fare and PRTC should provide good service,” he said.
An official acknowledged the Corporation was plagued with an ageing fleet and most of the long-distance buses were being operated continuously due to delay in procurement of new buses. The PRTC has taken cognizance of the problem and the Mahe bus was taken off the route for a day and repaired, he said.
Passengers rued the condition of several long-distance buses was pathetic. Ageing buses, frequent breakdowns, and poor maintenance have spelt doom for the Corporation’s fleet.
S. Ashwin who regularly commutes to Chennai, said PRTC buses especially those plying on the East Coast Road to Chennai, were well-received by passengers especially the office-goers on Mondays. However, the situation has now completely changed.

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