Bullock cart owners seek reopening of Kollidam sand quarries
The Hindu
A group of bullock cart operators from Tiruchi, owing allegiance to the Centre of Indian Trade Unions (CITU), staged a protest in front of the District Collectorate urging the authorities to reopen sand quarries on the Kollidam river bed n the district on Monday.
A group of bullock cart operators from Tiruchi, owing allegiance to the Centre of Indian Trade Unions (CITU), staged a protest in front of the District Collectorate urging the authorities to reopen sand quarries on the Kollidam river bed n the district on Monday.
Protesters drawn from Kambarasampettai, Nochiam, Lalgudi, Srirangam, and Sarkarpalayam requested that quarries at Madhav Perumal Temple and Thalakudi, which were meant exclusively for bullock carts, in Tiruchi be reopened. They said that bullock cart operators had lost their livelihood because of the closure of quarries.
The sand that is taken from the quarries in bullock carts tend to be smaller in quantities as opposed to that carried by trucks. This sand can be used in small-scale construction sites, said protesters.
“These sand quarries have been shut for 18 months and the livelihood of the bullock cart owners are being severely affected. We request that the sand quarries be opened again,” said S. Rengarajan, District Secretary, CITU.
While the Bangalore Water Supply and Sewerage Board’s (BWSSB) policy of allowing apartments to sell treated sewage water is a new alternative water source, the real challenge lies in the transportation of this water. Apartment complexes with surplus treated water are finding it difficult to sell it as tankers are not available, among other logistical reasons.