A radio by the people for the people
The Hindu
Being the most economical electronic medium to broadcast and receive, radio breaks down barriers of illiteracy and isolation, making it the preferred electronic medium for the underprivileged. In radio broadcasting, community radio is a significant third tier that is different from commercial and public service radio.
Community Radio Stations (CRSs) are low-power radio stations designed for local communities to own and run. Local perspectives on topics related to health, nutrition, education, agriculture, and other topics are provided in a forum by Community Radio. People may immediately relate to the Community Radio broadcast because it is in their native language. A source of regional folk music and cultural legacy, the radio is especially important in a country like India where each state has its own language and unique cultural flavour.
Community radio stations have grown significantly in popularity and number in the last 20 years. The social and economic advantages that arise from providing regular people with access to relevant information are now becoming more widely recognised.
It was in Latin America, around 50 years ago, that the groundbreaking experiences that have given rise to community radio. The initial experiences—known as the Miners’ Radios in Bolivia in 1947 and Radio Sutatenza in Colombia that same year—were sparked by poverty and social injustice. Community radio emerged as a significant phenomenon in Europe, serving as an opponent or substitute for mainstream broadcast media, despite the breakthrough work being done in Latin America. Following the fall of the colonial government in South Africa, community radio stations across the continent were established and eventually evolved into a social movement.
The Indian government published the first set of community radio guidelines and the necessary equipment in early 2003, but limited the eligibility to educational institutions alone. The goal of establishing community radio stations that would involve local communities in the content production process has just recently expanded to include non-profit organisations, agricultural research institutes, and educational institutions.
It’s not as challenging or expensive as many people believe to start your radio station—any community can do it. A sense of community awareness and internal unity is an essential requirement for a community to launch its radio station. A radio station might not often be considered a priority in the traditional development structure, which prioritises support for industries like agriculture, health, education, and more. However, a community that conducts an in-depth needs assessment and addresses the root causes of its challenges and disadvantages will usually discover that it needs communication methods to enable people to contribute towards shared objectives and understanding which is the first step towards starting a community radio.
Here are the country’s popular community radio stations that aim to bring a change in society:
Community radio stations are an essential tool for social empowerment because of their role in preserving local and regional cultures, including the defence of territories and their resources, human rights, the advancement of indigenous languages, the claims of women and youth, and the ability to manage one’s issues, exercise self-government, and stand by oneself. Here are some of the major roles of community radio stations across the world: