12 buses per shift, per line for Tata Marcopolo, says Govt. Workmen oppose order, begin agitation
The Hindu
A team of officials from the Department of Factories and Labour Department, which conducted a study on the production related issues at Tata Marcopolo, has specified minimum production level of 12 buses per shift per line for the company, which however, has not gone down well with the employees.
A team of officials from the Department of Factories and Labour Department, which conducted a study on the production related issues at Tata Marcopoloy, has specified minimum production level of 12 buses per shift per line for the company, which however, has not gone down well with the employees.
Consequently the members of Tata Marcopolo Kranthikari Karmik Union (TMKKU) who are upset with the government order have once again launched agitation.
The team of officials had recently visited the Dharwad plant of Tata Marcopolo Motors Ltd Dharwad plan and have studied the situation prevailing in the plant. And based on the report of the team, the government has directed that “permanent workmen would have to produce 12 or more vehicles per shift per line to avail the interim relief of Rs 6,000 per month and the management would responsible to ensure that the materials and support required to achieve the above target were provided.
However, the members of Tata Marcopolo Kranthikari Karmik Union (TMKKU), have taken exception to the government order and alleging that the workmen had not been given any justice during the meeting chaired by Industries Minister Murugesh Nirani and Labour Minister Shivaram Hebbar, they have launched agitation again.
Their grouse is that the higher officials of both the department had conducted a demonstration with the contract workers (and without involving permanent workmen) and based on the findings had arrived at the 12 buses per shift number.
On Friday, the workmen took out a 14-km march from the company premises to Deputy Commissioner’s office in Dharwad before beginning the protest. They said that the order was unscientific and couldnot be accepted.