6 Phrases You Should Never Say When Your Partner Is Having A Bad Day
These common remarks may come from a good place but are largely unhelpful.
When your partner is having a bad day, you want to do what you can to help them feel a little better — not make an already crappy day worse.
Unfortunately, sometimes even well-meaning comments have a way of doing just that. That’s why we asked relationship experts which phrases you probably want to avoid when your partner is having a rough go of it.
“Probably” is the key word here, as what people do and do not want to hear in this situation can vary quite a bit.
“Some people might appreciate a problem-solving approach, whereas others may just want you to listen,” Toronto-based relationship expert Jessica O’Reilly, who is also the resident sexologist at Astroglide, told HuffPost. “Your partner may feel invalidated if you offer them solutions, while another may feel supported and empowered.”
We have a tendency to support others the same way we’d like to be supported. But sometimes that’s not the best course of action, O’Reilly said.