Writer-critic Panchakshari Hiremath passes away
The Hindu
Renowned writer Panchakshari Hiremath, recipient of prestigious awards, passes away at 92 leaving behind a literary legacy.
Veteran writer, critic and freedom fighter Panchakshari Hiremath, a recipient of several awards, including the Kendra Sahitya Academy award and Rajyotsava award, passed away in Dharwad on Friday. He was 92.
He is survived by his wife, two sons and a daughter.
Born on January 6 in 1933 in Bisarahalli of Koppal district, he took part in the freedom struggle during his student days.
A polyglot who made Dharwad his home subsequently, Panchakshari Hiremath has to his credit over 100 works of literature, including 19 collections of poems, 11 collections of stories, several translations, critical essays and works in other genres.
Panchakshari Hiremath was awarded D.Lit from University of Arizona. He was a recipient of the Soviet Land Nehru Award and several others.
He had participated in various literary conferences held in Greece, Thailand and China.
Panchakshari Hiremath’s life, works and achievement have been the subject matter of various Ph.Ds and M.Phil thesis in different universities of Karnataka.