Wayanad farmers fight a losing battle against debts
The Hindu
After low prices and natural calamities, the latest threat is revenue recovery proceedings
The threat of losing mortgaged homes and agricultural land, the perennially low prices of cash crops, and their falling demand have cast a shadow on the lives of thousands of debt-ridden farmers in Wayanad, a major producer of coffee and spices in the country.
C.J. Sebastian, 58, of Cheriyampanattu, a far-mer at Padichira, nearPulpally,in Wayanad took a farm loan of ₹10 lakh by mortgaging one acre of his six-acre land from the Sulthan Bathery Co-Operative Agricultural and Rural Development Bank Ltd (SBCARDB ) in 2012 for replanting pepper and coffee. But the pepper vines were destroyed by the quick wilt disease and drought in 2015.
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