US task force recommends anxiety and depression screenings for adults
Fox News
The United States Preventive Services Task Force has recommended anxiety screenings for all those below the age of 65 and depression screenings for all adults.
"To address the critical need for supporting the mental health of adults in primary care, the Task Force reviewed the evidence on screening for anxiety, depression, and suicide risk," said Lori Pbert, a task force member, in a statement. "The good news is that screening all adults for depression, including those who are pregnant and postpartum, and screening adults younger than 65 for anxiety, can help identify these conditions early so people can be connected to care."
Under the new guidance, anxiety is categorized as generalized anxiety disorder, social anxiety disorder, panic disorder, separation anxiety disorder, phobias, and selective mutism. The task force says screenings and followup care help reduce the symptoms of anxiety and depression but more research on its importance regarding suicide risk.