U.T. aims at generating 41 lakh rural mandays under MGNREGA
The Hindu
As part of its target of implementing 41 lakh rural mandays under Mahatma Gandhi Nation Rural Employment Guarantee Act (MGNREGA) for 2023-24, the government has launched an initiative to propagate nursery farm bed preparation across gram panchayats of the Union Territory.
As part of its target of implementing 41 lakh rural mandays under Mahatma Gandhi Nation Rural Employment Guarantee Act (MGNREGA) for 2023-24, the government has launched an initiative to propagate nursery farm bed preparation across gram panchayats of the Union Territory.
Chief Minister N. Rangasamy kick-started the programme that will cover 108 gram panchayats at the Thondamanatham revenue village under Villianur block.
Inaugurating the nursery farm at Ansari Duraisamy Government Higher Secondary School, Thondamanatham, Mr. Rangasamy announced ₹2-crore worth welfare schemes to women’s self-help groups, and its associate organisations.
This amount includes about ₹1 crore as direct loan by banks, ₹60 lakh as community investment fund, ₹one lakh as start-up fund to producer SHGs and ₹15 lakh towards purchase and supply of farm tools to benefit farmers/SHGs.
Speaker R. Selvam, Home Minister A. Namassivayam, A.K. Sai J. Saravanan Kumar, Minister for Civil Supplies and Consumer Affairs and Rural Development, Public Works Department Minister K. Lakshminarayanan, Agriculture Minister C. Djeacoumar, and Transport Minister S. Chandira Priyanga participated in the programme.
The Union Territory is seeking to achieve a much higher target of mandays of rural employment than the 8 lakh accorded by the Central government through diversified strategies that span implementing seedlings farm, tree plantation and social forest activities with technical support of Forest Department.