Swachh Survekshan 2022: erstwhile North Delhi corporation in bottom 10; South body ranks 28th among 45 cities
The Hindu
None of the three erstwhile corporations managed to score a single point in the garbage-free city category
Two of Delhi’s three erstwhile municipal corporations — South and East — recorded a marginal improvement in the annual cleanliness survey (Swachh Survekshan 2022), according to the rankings announced on Saturday.
In the category of cities with a population of above 10 lakh, which featured 45 cities, the erstwhile South and East corporations were ranked at 28 and 34, respectively; this is a slight improvement in comparison to their 2021 rankings when they stood at 31 and 40, respectively, among 48 cities.
However, the erstwhile North corporation continued to find itself in the bottom 10 despite moving up a few places; it was ranked at 37 among 45 cities in the latest survey, while its previous ranking stood at 45 out of 48.
The survey for the latest rankings was completed prior to the merger of the three erstwhile municipal corporations.
The cities were ranked based on three parameters — service-level progress based on data provided by urban local bodies, certification based on waste management, sanitation (garbage-free city and open defecation-free categories) and citizens feedback and engagement (citizen voice category).
None of the three erstwhile corporations managed to score a single point (out of 1,250) in the GFC category. In the ODF category, the erstwhile South and East corporations scored 600 each out of 1000, while the erstwhile North corporation scored 400.
The unified Municipal Corporation of Delhi welcomed the marginal improvement in rankings, adding that the erstwhile civic bodies “performed impeccably” despite a severe financial crunch.