Siblings Sakina and Zainab narrate stories with a personal touch on their Instagram handle, @bohrasisters
The Hindu
They use stop-motion animation, videos and digital drawings to document memories of a small town, their love for Indian street food and Bollywood music
The Instagram handle @bohrasisters soaks you in nostalgia. The endearing stop-motion animation videos and GIFs on the page are created by siblings Sakina and Zainab Sabunwala. Family, childhood, food, culture, and Hindi film songs feature in their videos which are a combination of digital and hand drawings; much of it inspired by personal experiences. Members of the Dawoodi Bohra community with their roots in Udaipur, Rajasthan, the siblings now work from two continents — Sakina from San Francisco in the US and Zainab from Kuwait in West Asia. MetroPlus caught up with them over an email interview, with the condition that they would not share their photographs. “We have always felt comfortable in not sharing our pictures on any of our platforms. It gives a sense of freedom,” says Sakina, the elder sister, a mother of three.More Related News