Shivamogga zilla panchayat denies allegations of Karnataka couple who sought mercy killing citing corruption
The Hindu
A couple in Sagar taluk had submitted a petition to the President of India seeking mercy killing alleging corruption in Karnataka
Shivamogga zilla panchayat has denied allegations of a couple in Sagar taluk, who had submitted a petition for mercy killing, that officials had demanded bribes to clear a residential layout developed by them in Khandika gram panchayat in Karnataka.
On November 14, ZP CEO N.D. Prakash said the allegations against the Taluk Panchayat Executive Officer and Panchayat Development Officer were baseless. The sites in the private residential layout could not be released for sale until cases filed in courts were settled.
Srikanth Naik and Sujata Naik, residing at Kugve village near Sagar, submitted a petition to the Assistant Commissioner of Sagar on November 9 alleging that officials in the gram panchayat and taluk panchayat demanded bribes to clear paperwork of their layout.
The CEO said Srikanth Naik had converted 6 acres and 17 guntas of land at Kugve village and got technical approval for the layout plan in 2018. The owners of the land had an agreement with S. Chandrashekhar, a developer in Shivamogga, to develop the layout the same year.
Later, both the owners and the developer moved court filing cases against each other. The matter had reached the High Court of Karnataka. The ZP has taken legal opinion on the case and resolved not to proceed further with the paperwork until the cases were settled in court, the CEO added.