Schools reopen: Join Chennai’s Sishya teacher as she reunites with her students after 18 months of Zoom classes
The Hindu
After 18 months of online classes, schools have opened their gates again. Join this teacher from Chennai’s Sishya School as she finally meets her students on campus
September 16, 2021. I am back in school after 18 months! And I am cautiously optimistic, despite being fully aware that we can never make up for the lost days.
I walked in early and had to restrain myself from giving dear friends a warm hug. COVID declaration forms were signed, hands were sanitised and we were in class, after oh-so-long.
I started out with a quiz in each of the classes, trying to guess the identities of my wards. After more than a year of online class, I had never really ‘met’ many of my students. I did stumble now and then, but it wasn’t a bad score overall.
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