Release of draft electoral rolls | More women voters than men in Chennai
The Hindu
Draft electoral rolls for the city were released on Wednesday; the total number of voters is 38,92,547; Velachery has the highest number of voters and Harbour, the lowest
Women voters outnumber men in the 16 constituent assemblies in Chennai district as per the draft electoral rolls released on Wednesday. Of the total 38,92,547 voters, 19,75,778 are women, 19,15,611 are men and 1,058 are others.
The draft rolls were released by Vishu Mahajan, additional district electoral officer, in the presence of representatives of recognised political parties and officials from the Chennai Corporation.
A list of voters was published on January 5 this year, but it has seen several deletions in voters since, resulting in a drop of 18,80,31 from 40,80,578. Despite this drop, the number of women remains higher than those of other categories. Velachery emerged as having the highest number of voters amongst men and women with 1,51,337 and 1,54,574 voters respectively. The harbor constituency had the lowest number of voters.
A total of 3,723 polling booths have been set up across Chennai with a maximum of 284 in Perambur constituency and a minimum of 169 in Egmore constituency.
The special summary correction of the electoral rolls is underway, with January 1 2023 as the eligibility date. The draft electoral rolls are available for the public to check their details, including those of their family members, at the zonal offices of zones 4,5,6,7,8,9,10 and 13 as well as all at polling centres.
In case of addition of deletion of names or changes in address, members of the public are requested to fill out the relevant forms with supporting documents. These applications can be submitted in the offices of the Corporation zonal officers between November 9 and December 8. Special camps will be set up at polling centres on November 12, 13, 26 and 27 to submit forms. Applications also can be made via the website www.nsvp.in .