‘Medications cannot be the cure for every heart failure’
The Hindu
Experts at webinar call for early evaluation
Heart failure and the various treatment modalities were discussed during a webinar on “Advanced Heart Failure Treatment”, held as a part of The Hindu Wellness Series on Friday.
Speaking at the webinar, presented by Kauvery Hospital, S. Aravindakumar, chief consultant, Interventional Cardiologist, Kauvery Heartcity, Tiruchi, noted that predominantly dyspnea, palpitations and fatigue were the common symptoms that patients came in with.
“If heart failure is not treated properly, it could lead to rapid deterioration over a period of time,” he said during a presentation and added, “All our advanced heart failure management will revolve around preventing less symptomatic patients from progressing to higher symptomatic patients or treating and saving patients who are very sick.”