Lara Trump rips Weingarten's reelection: She cares about her far-left agenda, not kids
Fox News
Fox News contributor Lara Trump reacts to Weingarten being reelected as president of the American Federation of Teachers and slams her "far-left agenda."
LARA TRUMP: This does impact our kids all across the country. When you think about the fact that we have $17,000 per pupil per year that we spend in America, and yet our children are falling behind: you ask yourself, why is this happening? It is because of people like Randi Weingarten, who is not focusing on things that are going to prepare our children for their future, focusing on things like critical race theory. You just heard her talking about spirit murder. I mean, that is absolute insanity. I don't even know what spirit murder means. But instead of meeting basic proficiencies like reading and math, this is what is being focused on. And you very clearly see, Randi Weingarten cares about herself. She cares about her far-left agenda. She does not care about the kids. And no parent should be forced to send their kids to a school that is failing them. Unfortunately, that is what we have seen happen with these teachers unions. Don't forget, it wasn't her teacher's union, but it was another one who told the DOJ they ought to label parents going to school board meetings as domestic terrorists. That's exactly what happened. They wield a lot of power.