KDA appeals to Karnataka government to restore mausoleum of Patil Putappa
The Hindu
In a letter to the State Government, the Kannada Development Authority has urged Shivananda Patil, Minister in charge of Haveri district, Minister of Kannada and Culture Shivraj Thangadagi, Karnataka Border Area Development Authority Chairman Somanna Bevinamarad and the Deputy Commissioner of Haveri to take immediate action in this regard.
The Kannada Development Authority (KDA) has appealed to the government of Karnataka to restore the mausoleum of writer, Kannada activist and ‘Gandhian’ Patil Puttappa, better known as ‘PaPu’ and to pay tribute in a proper manner.
In a letter to the State Government, the KDA has urged Shivananda Patil, Minister in charge of Haveri district, Minister of Kannada and Culture Shivraj Thangadagi, Karnataka Border Area Development Authority Chairman Somanna Bevinamarad and the Deputy Commissioner of Haveri to take immediate action in this regard.
“Many Kannada thinkers, activists and writers have contributed to the overall development of the language and in responding to the problems of Karnataka and Kannadigas, Patila Puttappa was at the forefront of such initiatives. He was responsible for implementation of the Gokak report. He was a nightmare for non-Kannada speaking officers during his tenure as chairman of the Kannada Surveillance Committee (Kannada Kavalu Samiti) and Border Advisory Committee in 1985,” according to the letter.
‘PaPu, one of the foremost Kannada stalwarts, passed away on March 16, 2020. His mausoleum is located in Halageri village in Haveri district. Regrettably, it is not in a good condition’.
The authority has requested the government to celebrate the life of PaPu, whose life was dedicated to Kannada, Karnataka and Kannadigas, by joining hands in the restoration of the mausoleum of Patil Puttappa.
“On the occasion of the golden jubilee year of the State being renamed as Karnataka, the restoration of the mausoleum of PaPu will be a great honour for a pro-Kannada activist,” the letter stated.