JIPMER employees in Puducherry protest continuation of Director Rakesh Aggarwal at his post, despite completion of his tenure
The Hindu
JIPMER Faculty Association protests against the extension of Director's tenure, citing poor administration and issues faced by faculty and patients.
Protesting against the continuation of Rakesh Aggarwal as Director of JIPMER even after his tenure came to an end in December last year, the JIPMER Faculty Association (JFA) has decided to hold regular demonstrations inside the campus. They have also initiated a “non-cooperative movement” against the orders issued by Dr. Aggarwal until his extension tenure is terminated by the Union Ministry of Health and Family Welfare.
After adopting a resolution at the association’s general body meeting held in the campus on January 5, 2024, against Dr. Aggarwal’s continuation, the JFA has now made a direct appeal to the Ministry to terminate the extension given to the Director. In a six-page letter written to the Union Health Secretary a few days ago, president of JFA, R. Raveendran expressed “extreme” displeasure in extending the tenure of Dr Aggarwal for one more year.
“99 per cent of the employees and faculty members are dejected because of the problems he created for everybody with his poor administration. His tenure came to an end in December, last year. The interview for the new Director was held long back and the selection process is not yet complete. Instead of appointing a senior-most professor in JIPMER as the officiating Director, which is the norm since JIPMER become an autonomous institute, Dr. Aggarwal’s tenure was extended for one year. It was totally unwarranted,” the letter said.
Mr. Raveendran, in his letter, said the members of JFA have decided to wear black badges, hold regular peaceful demonstrations outside the Administrative Block without affecting the functioning of the hospital and patient care, as a mark of protest against Dr. Aggarwal’s continuation. The faculty will also initiate a “non-cooperative movement” against orders issued by the Director, the letter said.
The letter draws the attention of the Health Secretary to the issues faced by the faculty and patients, including shortage of essential drugs, frequent dysfunctioning of the hospital information system and non-functioning of CCTVs for the last three years.
“The inefficiency of administration and misguided views of Dr. Aggarwal led to many problems for the public and employees in the past. There has been non-availability of essential drugs, shortage of gloves, suture material and syringes. The Lt Governor has to intervene on these issues. The issues were taken up with the President of JIPMER and Governing Body,” he said.
The letter also pointed out different yardsticks adopted by the Director for himself and faculty members on the spending of funds while participating in conferences abroad.