India serves notice to Pakistan seeking review of Indus Water Treaty
The Hindu
India seeks review of Indus Water Treaty with Pakistan due to fundamental changes, citing population, environment, and terrorism concerns.
India has served a formal notice to Pakistan seeking a review of the Indus Water Treaty, arguing that "fundamental and unforeseen" changes in the circumstances require a reassessment of the pact.
“The notice was issued to Pakistan on August 30, 2024 under Article XII(3) of the Indus Water Treaty (IWT),” Government sources said on Wednesday (September 18, 2024).
Also Read : Cross the boulders in the Indus Waters Treaty
India and Pakistan signed the IWT on September 19, 1960 after nine years of negotiations, with the World Bank being a signatory to the pact, which sets out a mechanism for cooperation and information exchange between the two sides on the use of the waters of a number of cross-border rivers.
“India’s notification highlights fundamental and unforeseen changes in circumstances that require a reassessment of obligations under various articles of the treaty,” the sources said.
“Among various concerns, the important ones include a change in population demographics, environmental issues and the need to accelerate the development of clean energy to meet India’s emission targets,” they said.
Also Read: What is the Indus Waters Treaty and why is India seeking its modification?