Independent journalist writes 'what the truckers want' following 100 Freedom Convoy interviews
Fox News
A freelance journalist's interviews with more than 100 Canadian truckers received praise for its contrast with liberal media condemnations of the trucker convoy.
"I’m Jewish," he said. "I have family in mass graves in Europe. And apparently I’m a white supremacist."
Dichter alluded to some more negative media coverage of the protests that called the Freedom Convoy a "cult" and a "threat to democracy." The Ottawa Police Chief used the words "nationwide insurrection" to describe the protests, which was echoed by many in the media. Many headlines have also focused on "swastikas and public urination" and protesters carrying swastika and Confederate flags and defacing statues, while the truckers have told a different story, arguing their demonstration was "peaceful."
The protests have snarled traffic in Ottawa and shut down the busiest border crossing in North America this week, causing traffic on the highway to Detroit.