Meat 'cheat meals' among vegetarians, vegans 'more common than you might think'
Fox News
The 2024-25 Vegan & Vegetarian Meat Cravings Report found that a shocking number of vegetarians or vegans admit they have eaten meat within the last six months.
The Linz Shop is a family-owned business that sells premium meats, according to its website. The company is based in Indiana. "Staying meat-free isn't always easy." Some respondents say that being around others who are eating meat makes them crave it. "Small, achievable steps can often have a greater impact and are easier to stick with over time." Christine Rousselle is a lifestyle reporter with Fox News Digital.
As shared in the "2024-25 Vegan & Vegetarian Meat Cravings" report, researchers found that staying committed to a plant-based diet "can be more challenging than it seems," Czarnecki said.