Gallery Space and Iconart Gallery celebrate milestone in Hyderabad’s evolving art scene
The Hindu
Iconart Gallery completes 15 years and Gallery Space enters its 25th year in Hyderabad. The founders reflect on their journey and future plans.
Hyderabad’s art scene is evolving for the better. Factors such as a growing interest in art, the launch of new galleries, and artists experimenting with diverse mediums and styles have all contributed to this transformation. However, the landscape was not as vibrant two decades ago, when galleries in the city struggled to sustain themselves due to a lack of patrons. Avani Rao Gandra and Hanumantha Rao, founders of Iconart Gallery and Gallery Space, reflect on their experiences and how they navigated this journey.
“Passion is a cliché word, but I can’t think of a better one,” says Avani Rao Gandra, an artist, photographer, curator, PhD researcher, and founder of Iconart Gallery on Road No. 12 in Banjara Hills. As Iconart completes 15 years, Avani reflects on the journey with a sense of accomplishment.
The gallery was founded in January 2009, a time when many galleries across India were shutting down due to the global economic recession. “It was a decade-long downturn for art galleries, but artists continued to produce great work,” recalls Avani, adding, “The COVID-19 pandemic brought another slump in artistic activities, causing commercial losses. Many artists returned to their villages to pursue their ancestral professions in agriculture.”
Over the past 15 years, Iconart has hosted approximately 175 exhibitions, including 80 solo shows featuring artists exhibiting their work for the first time. The gallery’s mission has been to engage with contemporary art, raise awareness, and provide a platform for young artists. In the past, contemporary art practices were relatively new to Hyderabad, and Avani envisioned the space as a platform to amplify diverse voices and address contemporary social issues. “Today’s young artists are exposed to a variety of artistic practices, but back then, the audience was not even ready to accept contemporary paintings, let alone performance art.”
With a limited gallery space — just 700 square feet — Avani took some of her curatorial projects to public spaces. Her PhD in Contemporary Andhra Painting helped her bring ideas to life, addressing themes related to women, the environment, urban life, the girl child, and more recently, spirituality.
Owning the gallery space meant that financial constraints were not as pressing, but initially, she faced challenges due to the unwillingness of people to appreciate experimental and innovative art practices and the disconnect between artists pursuing modern, contemporary art and a society accustomed to decorative and illustrative art. “Galleries were perceived as exclusive spaces, catering to a limited audience. But today, young people in Hyderabad are curious and open to change in all forms.”
Her art journey continues with new ventures. In March, she will collaborate with the Society to Save Rocks to raise awareness about heritage and environmental conservation through Painting the Rocks, an installation project. She is also excited about her newly launched group, Art Icon, which was founded in November 2024. Designed to encourage the experience of art and aesthetic pursuits, the group meets once a month at artists’ studios, attends workshops, and hosts collaborative events.