Farmers want formation of elephant proof trench in Talavadi hills
The Hindu
With wild elephants continue to raid crops causing extensive damage to farmers in Jerahalli Forest Range of Hasanur Division in Sathyamangalam Tiger Reserve (STR), Talavadi Farmers’ Association has urged the Forest Department to form elephant proof trench (EPT) which would be a long term solution to the perennial issue.
In an email to the Chief Conservator of Forests and Field Director of STR, association convener S. Kannaiyan said that the extent of the range is 11,350.16 hectares in which an isolated patch of forest of 384.64 hectares is surrounded by farm lands. The patch serves as a transit place for wild elephants. Elephant herds stay there and frequently raid the crops in farm lands. Based on our appeal, maintenance works were carried out in EPT in Talavadi Forest Range for 12 km length and solar fencing was also done. Hence, elephants cannot venture out of the forest in Talavadi range.
But, elephants started to venture out from Jerahalli forest that is located adjacent to Talavadi range, and raid crops frequently. “Elephants also damage properties and pose a threat to human lives”, the email said and urged the department to form EPT in Jerahalli range for 21 km. Maintaining the EPT is very important to mitigate the human-elephant conflict, the email said and urged the department to form EPTs at all the boundaries of STR in Talavadi hills.