ED attaches properties belonging to wife of retired IPS officer, son of former CM secretary
The Hindu
Assets worth ₹14.23 crore belonging to Parvin Jaffar, R. Durgashankar and T. Udayakumar have been attached in a case relating to the alleged wrongful allotment of GDQ plots
The Directorate of Enforcement (ED) has attached assets worth ₹14.23 crore belonging to Parvin Jaffar, wife of retired IPS officer Jaffar Sait, R. Durgashankar who is the son of K. Rajamanickam, former Secretary to the Chief Minister of Tamil Nadu and T. Udayakumar who is the proprietor of Land Mark Construction, Chennai.
According to a statement that was put up on the website of the ED, it had initiated a money laundering investigation on the basis of an FIR registered by the Directorate of Vigilance and Anti-Corruption (DVAC) against seven individuals --M S Jaffar Sait, Former IG Police (Intelligence wing), Tamil Nadu Police and his wife Parvin Jaffar, K. Murugaiya, executive engineer, Tamil Nadu Housing Board, Chennai, K. Rajamanickam, retired bureaucrat, R. Durgashankar, son of K Rajamanickam, I. Periyasamy, former Minister for Housing, Government of Tamil Nadu and T. Udayakumar, a private person who has a firm, Land Mark Construction.
An investigation by the ED revealed that wrongful allotment of Government Discretionary Quota i.e. GDQ plots was done by I. Periyasamy, then Minister of Housing and Urban Development. A residential plot was allotted to Jaffar Sait under the GDQ, without his being eligible for such an allotment. Rajamanickam, who was secretary to then Chief Minister M. Karunanidhi, got the adjacent plot allotted to his son R. Durgashankar in violation of the norms of GDQ.
Parvin Jaffar and R. Durgashankar entered into an agreement with Udayakumar of Land Mark Construction for the joint development of the combined land in order to maximise the fruits of their alleged crime, the ED claims. Udaykumar financed the alleged crime despite knowing well that the allottees were not the owners as on the day of the Joint Development Agreement.
The monetary consideration received from Udayakumar was used by Parvin Jaffar and R. Durgashankar to pay the cost of the illegally allotted plots by the Tamil Nadu Housing Board. Parvin Jaffar, R. Durgashankar and T. Udayakumar generated huge amount from proceeds of the alleged crime by way of building a multi-floor apartment on the allotted plots and then by selling the flats to the public. Out of the total proceeds of crime to the tune of ₹14.86 crore generated by yhe three of them, movable and immovable properties worth ₹14.23 crore have been provisionally attached., the ED said
Further investigations are under progress.