Deltacron: a new variant of COVID-19 or a lab contamination mishap?
Fox News
Deltacron, the reported new variant of COVID-19 said to combine both delta and omicron variants, has sparked a reaction of skepticism from world health experts.
According to the report, Leondios Kostrikis, who is a biological sciences professor at the University of Cyprus, discovered a genetic background of the delta variant along with some mutations of omicron. The media report stated that Kostrikis and his team claim to have found 25 cases and sent the findings to GISAID, an international database that tracks changes in the virus.
Kostrikis told the Cyprus Sigma TV network last week, "We will see in the future if this strain is more pathological or more contagious," but he told the media outlet that the dominant strain will be omicron, according to multiple reports.
Dr. Tom Peacock, a virologist at the Imperial College in London, tweeted that the anomaly appears to be "quite clearly contamination" and said that it does not meet the criteria for a new variant.