The Hindu
S. Vasudevan, chief scientist at CSRI-Central Electrochemical Research Institute, Karaikudi, highlighted the significance of green energy and hydrogen fuel cells while addressing the inauguration of a week-long Karyashala workshop titled ‘Current Trends and Future Aspects of Fuel Cell and Other Energy Storage Technologies’ organised by the Department of Energy and Environment of National Institute of Technology – Tiruchi (NIT-T) recently. G. A. Pathanjali, Director, High Energy Batteries, provided insights into the industrial perspective of energy storage. The Karyashala workshop was sponsored by Science and Engineering Research Board (SERB) under the Accelerate Vigyan Scheme. DEE assistant professors Aditya Kumar and D.V. Siva Krishna Rao coordinated the proceedings.
Around 400 persons from Chennai, Madurai , Thoothukudi and Tiruchi City Corporation, participated in a workshop on the National Clean Air Programme held at Bharathidasan University (BDU) recently. The event was hosted by Ministry of Environment, Forest and Climate Change, Central Pollution Control Board of Government of India, Department of Environment and Climate Change, Tamil Nadu Pollution Control Board, Department of Environmental Biotechnology of Bharathidasan University and VOICE Trust – the National Green Corps coordinator for Lalgudi district. School Education Minister Anbil Mahesh Poyyamozhi distributed seed balls to National Green Corps coordinators. Participants visited the Continuous Ambient Air Quality Monitoring Station at BDU. L. Sowmya, deputy director, Department of Environment and Climate Change and S. Sivaranjini, district environmental engineer, Tamil Nadu Pollution Control Board, shared insights during the workshop. BDU vice-chancellor M. Selvam spoke.
Santhosh Subramanian, senior director, Microsoft, USA, spoke on key trends in technology and potential risks of artificial intelligence, as part of a faculty development programme organised by Shrimati Indira Gandhi College (SIGC) recently. K. Meena, secretary, presided over the programme in the presence of K. Chandrasekharan, chief executive officer and S. Aparna, director. P. Gajalakshmi, principal, SIGC, welcomed the gathering.
Training for competitive exams
About 85 students underwent a Tamil Nadu Agricultural University - Institution Development Plan-sponsored skill development programme designed to prepare them to appear for competitive exams organised by Anbil Dharmalingam Agricultural College and Research Institute (ADAC&RI), Tiruchi in association with T.I.M.E. Institute, Tiruchi . The training covered areas such as Quantitative Aptitude, Data Interpretation and Analysis, Reasoning, English Language, and General Knowledge. C. Vanniarajan, Dean, ADAC&RI, emphasised the need for students to keep updating their skills. C.S. Mani, Centre Director of TIME, Tiruchi, and others spoke.
Operations research in management
Applications of operations research in management was the focus of a programme organised by the M.A.M. B-School. M. Balasubramanian, Assistant Professor, Periyar E.V.R. College, gave an overview of operation research in analysis of the business situations. The fundamental principle of operations research was to maximise profit and minimise the waste. It was a systematic and analytical approach to decision making and problem solving, he said.