Are your table manners up to snuff? Etiquette expert calls out 12 tacky habits
Fox News
A Florida-based etiquette expert, Jacqueline Whitmore, says she's compiled a handy list of some of the tackiest behaviors at the dinner table today — and how we can fix them; here's her advice for better dining habits.
"In many Asian countries, leaving a little on your plate also indicates that you satisfied and are no longer hungry." "It makes other people feel uncomfortable when they’re still eating while you’ve finished miles ahead of them."
The list is based on her observations over the years and time spent advising companies, organizations and individuals on an array of etiquette issues — including dining habits, workplace behavior and tipping practices at holiday time.
She said she's seen some rude behavior in her time — and that while many of her tips for turning bad habits into better practice may appear to be common sense, "courtesy" toward others isn't always so common today.