Andhra Pradesh Electricity Regulatory Commission to hold monthly public hearings on regular petitions in Visakhapatnam
The Hindu
APERC to hold monthly public hearings in Visakhapatnam on petitions from stakeholders on topics like Renewable Power Purchase Obligation, Grid Support Charges, Demand Generation Charges, Open Access and Power Purchase Agreement. Justice C.V. Nagarjuna Reddy chaired the hearing, verdicts to be issued soon.
Andhra Pradesh Electricity Regulatory Commission (APERC) will henceforth conduct monthly public hearings on the regular petitions at its camp office in Visakhapatnam. The Commission receives petitions from the stakeholders across the country.
APERC chairman Justice C.V. Nagarjuna Reddy said that a public hearing was held in the city on nine petitions filed so far from various stakeholders on issues related to power supply and transmission lines. The petitions were filed on topics like Renewable Power Purchase Obligation, Grid Support Charges, Demand Generation Charges, Open Access and Power Purchase Agreement among others.
The legal correspondents of the AP Transmission Corporation, APEPDCL, APSPDCL and APCPDCL, Tata Power Renewable Energy Limited among other power utilities presented their arguments before the Commission’s panel. Justice Reddy said that the verdict on the Saturday’s arguments will be issued soon.