Zuckerberg-backed curriculum pushes far-left ideologies on reparations and defunding the police
Fox News
Zuckerberg-backed Summit Learning platform teaches a narrow version of U.S. politics, featuring voices such as Nikole Hannah-Jones and Michelle Alexander.
Hannah Grossman is an associate editor at Fox News Digital. Story tips can be sent on Twitter: @GrossmanHannah.
Fox News Digital reviewed screenshots from the internal platform available to teachers which showed that Summit Learning was presenting a lens of U.S. politics that favored left-wing and far-left opinions, and more rarely – if ever – included a right-wing viewpoint on the issues such as reparations, mass incarceration, and police reform.
For example, teachers were instructed to combat a student's "misconception" that only "people are racist; a system can't be racist" by "provide[ing]… examples… of structural racism." According to Summit, an example of "structural racism" is "standardized tests" which use "words and phrases that reflec[t] dominant White culture."