Woman tries to run boyfriend over with car en route to couples therapy session: police
Fox News
A 30-year-old woman out of Otter Tail County, Minnesota was arrested after attempting to run her boyfriend over on the way to a couples therapy session.
Jasmine is a writer at Fox News Digital and a military spouse based in New Orleans. Stories can be sent to jasmine.baehr@fox.com
Gast then allegedly suddenly stopped her car and demanded her boyfriend exit the vehicle. According to the affidavit obtained by Crime Online, the victim, her boyfriend, passed in front of her car to get to a nearby sidewalk. When her boyfriend passed the front of the vehicle, Gast allegedly made eye contact before hitting the gas pedal in an attempt to run him over, according to the affidavit obtained by Crime Online.He then smashed into the windshield after rolling across the hood of the vehicle. He shattered the windshield, lacerating his right elbow in the process.
"The defendant admitted that as she was pulling away, she hit the victim with her vehicle. The defendant said she slowed down and stopped to call the police," a police report obtained by Crime Online said.