Winnipeg co-workers strike gold with $1 million Lotto Max win
Global News
A group of co-workers in Winnipeg can now consider leaving their job after they bagged $1 million between them in a LOTTO MAX win.
A group of co-workers in Winnipeg are celebrating after they bagged $1 million in a Lotto Max win.
The prize was won in the June 2 draw and Ryan Camia along with 20 of his co-workers could not believe they had actually won. Each member received $47,619 shares of the win.
“I think I had to scan the ticket to prove it to each and every one of them,” he said while claiming the prize on behalf of the group. “We had to keep checking to make sure the amount was right.”
Playing the lottery in groups has been popular especially when the jackpots are big. Camia said everyone in the group bought one $6 ticket and gave it to him to hold on to as the group’s trustee.
The winning ticket was bought by group member Reymund Calica two days prior to the draw from the BG fuels located at 2132B McPhillips St.
Camia said the group has yet to decide what they will do with the money. Included in the group are Rodemil DeGuzman, Richard Viray, Paul Santos, Joselito Ablao, Rafaelito Ablao, Justin Camia, Gilbert Suba, Marcelito Lestones, Jason Roberts, Ryan Teano, Victorino Ramos, Maria Galang, Jesus Pagaran, Chad Magladery, Ian Supnet, Daryl Aguila, Gabriel Palma and Rogelio Endrinal all from Winnipeg, and Kristia Sulit of West St. Paul.
The Lotto Max jackpot for Friday is an estimated $20 million, according to a news release.