Why environmental surveillance for avian influenza is vital Premium
The Hindu
Birds infected with avian influenza virus shed large quantities of virus in their faeces as well as in their saliva and nasal secretions for about a week
The world’s largest northern gannet colony at the Bass Rock, an island off the coast of North Berwick, Scotland has been recently decimated by avian influenza (H5N1) or bird flu. H5N1 has caused unprecedented loss of tens of thousands of birds in the U.K. The annual congregations on breeding grounds quickly turned into a super-spreader event as highly pathogenic H5N1 ripped through bird colonies, leaving many lying dead on the beaches or remote islands.
The impact of this disease is very serious for bird conservationists. From epidemiological perspective, transmission from dead birds to scavenging animals such as sea lions, foxes, and gulls has posed serious risks. Recently, intra-mammal transmission of H5N1 in captivity in mink farms was recorded, posing a bigger concern in relation to zoonotic potential.
In India, the latest major avian flu outbreak in 2020-2021 swept through many States causing mass mortality of wild birds which brought the concerns on the lack of active surveillance to the forefront, and how wetland and waterfowl habitats at the interface of poultry need to be monitored. India is a major wintering ground for many waterfowl that rely on the central Asian Flyway.
While the avian flu outbreaks coincide with the peak migratory season leading to post-outbreak surveillance and culling, there are also reports of outbreaks in the off-season suggesting endemic transmission within the poultry sector. India is the fastest growing egg producer in the world, but unlike in Europe, poultry birds here are not vaccinated against flu. Furthermore, the farms with a diversity of animals or in the vicinity of nearby wetlands increases the potential for the viruses to undergo reassortment that can potentially generate more virulent strains — H5N1 or H7N9 — which could then infect humans.
Despite this potential, there is no active surveillance in the poultry sector. There may be no efficient human-to-human transmission mechanism yet, however, the risk cannot be ruled out as the virus continues to evolve.
We need an active and passive year-round surveillance network under One Health which connects monitoring of human and animals in a shared environment.
Wastewater-based epidemiology or pathogen surveillance has become an integral component of environmental surveillance providing near real-time information on health and community exposure to pathogens. While environmental surveillance is not a new concept and has been used widely for monitoring several pathogens, it offers an excellent tool.

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