Where the past comes alive
The Hindu
Taran enjoyed exploring the Peranakan Museum. He learnt about the culture, saw unique artifacts, and discussed the impact of cultures mixing. He was looking forward to the Ice Cream Museum.
“What’s the Peranakan Museum? I thought we are going to the Ice Cream Museum today.” Taran was in Singapore for the summer holidays and was enjoying the sights.
“I’m sure you will enjoy it. It’s a cool place,” said Amma as she got off the metro rail. Taran was sceptical. He was looking forward to the kitschy Ice Cream Museum and eating ice cream till he burst. Now that was cool in his opinion. But he knew better than to say anything, otherwise both his parents would begin chanting, “You need to be open to new experiences!”
The walk to the Peranakan Museum was nice. Churches, high end shops, hotels and tall buildings all side by side. It was a hot day and he kept his cap on and followed his mother’s yellow umbrella.
“Here we are!” she exclaimed and began taking pictures of the outside of the museum from all angles. It was a light mint green heritage building.
Taran squinted against the sun, and asked, “What does Peranakan mean?”
“That’s what we are here to find out, little man,” pointed out Appa.
It felt nice to be back in the AC. As Amma bought the tickets, Taran looked around at the small but beautiful museum.