What next for ISRO after Chandrayaan-3 mission?
The Hindu
ISRO has a packed schedule following the Chandrayaan-3 Lander landing, incl. Aditya-L1, INSAT-3DS, test vehicle mission for Gaganyaan, NISAR & two unmanned crew module missions. Aditya-L1 to study Sun, INSAT-3DS for climate observation, NISAR for mapping Earth's ecosystems & Gaganyaan to demonstrate human space flight.
A mission to study the Sun, and launching a climate observation satellite, a test vehicle as part of Gaganyaan human space flight programme and an Indo-US synthetic aperture radar — ISRO has a packed schedule following the highly anticipated landing of Chandrayaan-3 Lander.
In addition, XPoSat (X-ray Polarimeter Satellite), the country's first dedicated polarimetry mission to study various dynamics of bright astronomical X-ray sources in extreme conditions, is also ready for launch, an ISRO official said on Tuesday.
Aditya-L1, the first space-based Indian observatory to study the Sun, is getting ready for the launch, most likely in September first week.
According to ISRO Chairman, Somanath S, the space agency has also lined up the launch of a climate observation satellite INSAT-3DS.
The launch of a test vehicle mission, for the validation of the crew escape system for Gaganyaan, the country's maiden human space flight mission, is also expected soon.
"(Then) we have to launch NISAR, the India-U.S. built Synthetic Aperture Radar," Mr. Somanath said in his independence day address at ISRO headquarters here on August 15. "So, our hands are full."
"We are going to build a large number of satellites for our security purpose as well in the coming days," Mr. Somanath had said.

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