What makes the November 8 lunar eclipse unique?
The Hindu
The next total lunar eclipse will occur after three years.
Close on the heels of the October 25 solar eclipse comes yet another astronomical event tomorrow, November 8, 2022. The total lunar eclipse will be the last of 2022 and will only occur again after three years.
The lunar eclipse will be visible from all parts of the country; however, the beginning of the partial and total phases of the eclipse will not be visible as the phenomenon will take place before moonrise. The ending of the total and partial phases of the eclipse will be visible in India.
A total lunar eclipse happens when the earth is positioned between the sun and the moon and casts a shadow on the latter. The shadow is categorised into two parts—the umbra, the darkest shadow of the earth that blocks out sunlight completely, and the penumbra, the outermost part of the shadow, where sunlight is blocked out only partially.
A lunar eclipse can only take place when the orbits of both the earth and the moon are aligned, and the sun and the moon are on opposite ends of the earth.
Also Read | Lunar eclipse on November 8, will only be partially visible in Bengaluru
The lunar eclipse on November 8 is a blood moon — meaning the moon will have a reddish hue. This happens when the moon is within the umbra.
The moon takes on a reddish hue due to a phenomenon called Rayleigh scattering, which is the scattering of light by particles in a medium without a change in wavelength. This is also the reason why the sky appears blue.

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