What India had to offer Fashion For Good this year
The Hindu
Amsterdam-based Fashion For Good annual exhibition focusses on sustainability in the fashion industry
The planet pays a heavy price for the clothes we wear, whether it is a pair of jeans, a brightly-dyed silk scarf, or man-made fabrics. To this end, Fashion For Good, a social enterprise for fashion and textile innovation based out of Amsterdam, has been working on sustainability in the global fashion industry. Launched in 2017, by The Laudes Foundation, Fashion For Good brings together various brands to usher change into one of the most polluting industries in the world. “The Laudes Foundation understood that it had to be a collaborative effort as a single brand would not be able to bring about this change within their supply chains on their own — the costs alone would be prohibitive,” says Priyanka Khanna, head of Fashion For Good’s Asia programme.More Related News

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