What Biden's latest outlandish immigration action tells us about the next one
Fox News
The Biden administration recently issued yet another outlandish immigration action.
Chad Wolf is the former acting secretary of the Department of Homeland Security and executive director and chair of the Center for Homeland Security & Immigration at the America First Policy Institute.
Here’s why. Once the secretary designates a country, nearly every illegal alien in the U.S. from that country receives a work permit, an exemption from deportation, a Social Security number, and the ability to obtain a driver’s license. Prior to President Trump, administrations of both political parties would continuously extend the designation, and the benefits that come with it, using increasingly absurd justifications such as the existence of "coffee rust" for one country. The "redesignation," meaning advancing the cutoff date for eligibility, is blatantly unlawful and functions to benefit the illegal aliens who made it into the U.S. after the initial designation.
The Biden administration’s abuse of Temporary Protected Status has reached another level. There are currently 16 countries with Temporary Protected Status. This includes restoring the designations for the six countries the Trump Administration properly terminated but activist courts interfered with until the change of administrations. The Biden Administration is also responsible for five new designations, by the far the most that any administration has done in under three years. In fact, the Department of Homeland Security has "redesignated" every country except one when it has come up for review.